• Student STAAR/EOC and TELPAS results

    The Student Portal allows parents and student to access STAAR and TELPAS scores.  This site provides helpful resources to assist parents with how to help their student improve scores on future assessments.

    Student Portal

     Student Portal


    STAAR/EOC and TELPAS test dates

    The Galena Park ISD testing calendar provides 2021 - 2022 state testing dates for STAAR/EOC, STAAR Alt 2, TELPAS, and TELPAS Alt assessments as mandated by the Texas Education Agency.  

    * All students are required to test in person at their home campus.  Campuses will notify students of the specific date(s) in which they will test.

    2021-2022 District Testing Calendar


    Accountability Ratings

    Due to the cancellation of STAAR / EOCs as a result of Covid-19, the district received the following 2021 rating:  Not Rated: Covid-19

     State and federal accountability ratings from previous years can be accessed at:
