Helpful Links
Texas First Diploma -
This prestigious opportunity enables you to graduate early with the Distinguished Level of Achievement AND receive a scholarship for college.
https://www.highered.texas.gov/the-texas-first-program/.Bullying -
This site provides information on what adults can do to help kids who are victims of bullies as well as kids who are bullies.
https://www.samhsa.gov/suicide-prevention/bullyingCyber Bullying
The Cyber bullying Research Center provides up to date information about the nature, extent, causes and consequences of cyber bullying among adolescents.
https://cyberbullying.org/Internet Safety
Tips on Internet safety are given here. It is important for parents to have an understanding of what their children are doing on-line, there is a tab titled "Learn about the Issues" that is helpful for parents.
http://www.netsmartz.org/EducatorsSelf Injury
An overview of self-injurious behaviors are included, as well as links to other resources.
https://www.helpguide.org/Talking with Kids
This site will provide tips for talking with your kids about the difficult topics like sex and drugs.
https://www.childrennow.org/parenting-resources/Technology Lingo
Want to know what your kids are talking about when the email, text, or IM? This site will decode all those abbreviations for you.
http://www.netlingo.com/Teen Attitudes
This is a fun way to look at research on the science behind teen thinking and the teenage brain.