Green Valley Elementary News
Texas Academic Performance Report
The Texas Academic Performance report shows the level of competency in each content Area (Math, reading, writing, science, etc.) Please click above to view the Report!
GVE Gator Gazette - Parent Newsletter
Parents, Please view the attached Green Valley Newsletter. We are looking forward to another amazing week with your students. You will find both English and Spanish translations together in one issue this week. Thanks for partnering with us to educate your child(ren).
New Student Registration Appointments for 2024-2025 School Year
Please click the text above to select a date and timeslot to register your child. Please make sure you bring all necessary documents.
Backpack Notice
Dear Parents; Please notice that ALL GPISD backpacks/oversized bags must be clear or mesh.
District Announcements
Parent Connect Newsletter
As we navigate the 2024-2025 school year, we will continue to provide you with the latest updates. We hope you will take the time to read over this newsletter carefully.
Removal of Unauthorized/Disruptive Persons
As of August 26, 2018 all school districts are subject to the Commissioner’s new rules regarding the removal of a disruptive person from a campus. More information regarding this new rule can be found in Chapter 37, section 37.105 of the Texas Education Code, which addresses: Unauthorized Persons, Refusal of Entry, Ejection, and Identification.
Blackboard Parentlink Notification System - TCPA
Galena Park ISD regularly provides mass notifications to parents, guardians, students, and faculty regarding weather closures, threat situations, event scheduling, or to provide other important education-related information. These messages not only drive positive educational outcomes, they can also save lives. Upcoming Events Sep 04 Varsity volleyball: GPHS vs. Aldine Eisenhower 6:30 PM Varsity volleyball: NSSHS vs. Davis 6:30 PM Sep 07 Varsity volleyball: GPHS vs. Crosby 6:30 PM Varsity volleyball: NSSHS vs. La Porte 6:30 PM Varsity football: NSSHS vs. FB Ridge Point 7:00 PM View Full Calendar Follow Us Tweets by @GalenaParkISD
Common Sense Education
At Green Valley Elementary we take the safety of our students seriously and we understand that digital citizenship is an important part of keeping kids safe.
Please click here to access the GPISD Digital Citizenship website with more information for students and families.
Click here to access a Family Media Agreement from Common Sense Media.
Click here to access a video about "Parenting in the Digital Age."
Click here to access SEL Family Engagement Activities.
Green Valley Elementary is proud to be a Common Sense Campus!
Daily Bell Schedule
Daily Bell Schedule
Doors Open
7:00 amBreakfast Served
7:00 – 7:35 amTardy Bell Rings
7:35 am
Dismissal Process Begins
3:05 pmStudents Dismissed
3:15 pm