Important Messages
New Student Enrollment at WAMS
Registration will resume at Woodland Acres Middle School by appointment. Click here to find all requirements and request an enrollment time.
Parenting in a Digital Age / Educando a nuestros hijos en la era Digital
What are ways I can set boundaries and support my kids in their tech lives? How can we ensure our kids are having high quality experiences?
2024-2025 WAMS School Supply List
Back to School Supply List - The supplies listed are only suggestions for basic school supplies needed. Your student's teachers may require additional supplies.
WAMS Yearbooks are now on sale!
Buy your copy online & have it delivered to you. For more details, click on the link for more details.
Purchasing Tickets for School Events
How to purchase tickets for school events on GOFAN? Click on the link for more details.
New Bell Schedule
Welcome Hornets! Please click on the title above so you can view this year's bell schedule.
Hornets' Buzz
GPISD Announces Full-Day Pre-Kindergarten
To increase your child’s readiness for kindergarten, Galena Park I.S.D. will begin to offer a full-day Pre-Kindergarten program for 4 year-old students at all campuses. A half day program is also offered for 3 year-old students at select campuses.
District Announcements
Parent Connect Newsletter
As we navigate the 2024-2025 school year, we will continue to provide you with the latest updates. We hope you will take the time to read over this newsletter carefully.
Removal of Unauthorized/Disruptive Persons
As of August 26, 2018 all school districts are subject to the Commissioner’s new rules regarding the removal of a disruptive person from a campus. More information regarding this new rule can be found in Chapter 37, section 37.105 of the Texas Education Code, which addresses: Unauthorized Persons, Refusal of Entry, Ejection, and Identification.
Blackboard Parentlink Notification System - TCPA
Galena Park ISD regularly provides mass notifications to parents, guardians, students, and faculty regarding weather closures, threat situations, event scheduling, or to provide other important education-related information. These messages not only drive positive educational outcomes, they can also save lives.
Upcoming Events
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM NAC Zoo Field Trip
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Sectionals for Wind ensemble