Dr. Gerald D. Cobb 6th Grade Campus Honor Society
Students can qualify to be considered for membership to the Dr. Gerald Cobb Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society by having a cumulative scholastic average of 91 percent or above. Nominations at Cobb take place after the first semester is complete.
Requirements for membership are also based on qualities other than scholarship. Candidates are evaluated on the basis of service, leadership, citizenship, and character. They must have been enrolled at Dr. Gerald D. Cobb 6th Grade Campus for one full semester. These qualities have equal weight with scholarship in selection for membership. Every faculty member helps in the selection process. It is not necessary to have taught the student in a class.
When more than one teacher votes “No” in the “overall” category, the student may not be invited to join the Honor Society. When one teacher votes “No” in the “Overall” category, the faculty council, appointed by the principal, will discuss the seriousness of the problem before recommending the list to the principal. The faculty council will then present the list to the principal for approval for membership.
The purpose of this organization is to create enthusiasm for scholarship, to stimulate a desire to render service, to promote leadership, to develop character, and to encourage citizenship in the students of secondary schools.
This is a service organization that provides of the needs of others. The organization provides a $1000.00 scholarship for a senior graduating from North Shore Senior High School.
Once you are inducted, you can remain a member until the 10th grade. In 10th grade, you can become a member of the National Honor Society. This is a national organization so your membership is accepted, with verification by Advisor, membership certificate, or your membership card and pin, anywhere in the United States.
Chapter Adviser, Tracy Bean