The CATCH program is designed to teach students and teachers how to become smart, healthy eaters. We are doing lessons in the classroom, facts during the morning announcements, and various other activities to help teach our children a foundation for a healthy lifestyle.
For more information, go to the following website.
Nurse: Crystal Rodriguez
cgonzalezrodriguez@galenaparkisd.comHello! My name is Crystal Gonzalez-Rodriguez and I am the new campus nurse for North Shore Elementary. I have been a registered nurse for 8 years with most of my experience in pediatrics. I look forward to working with our students and families to promote health and well-being. In the clinic, we provide a temporary care facility for children who become ill or injured at school. While we will not call parents for every visit made to the clinic, there are times I will need to contact you. In order for this to be possible, please keep your contact information up to date. If your child has a medical problem or condition, please stop by or give me a call (832-386-4671) to make sure I am aware of it. Please review the following information as it could apply to your child. We are excited to serve you and your families this year!