GPISD Technology Department hosts an annual Multimedia Festival every year. Approximately 450 students from grades K-12th celebrate their hard work and accomplishment by showing off their technology projects and attending an awards ceremony. The multimedia project categories included coding, graphic design, choice challenge and 3D digital modeling.
Technology Clubs:
With the growing interest and need for technology comes a call for after school technology clubs that supersize student enthusiasm for learning. Students will develop important skills that they can use to further their education and to make them more marketable for future jobs. Several activities associated with these clubs include programming/coding, graphic design, computer maintenance, digital photography and videography.Digitech Kids Club (elementary), Mech It Work (middle school), and Destination Technology (high school)
Girls Who Code Club:
This club offers a fun and engaging exposure to computer science. It also equips girls with the 21st century skillset they need to change the world. By 2020, 1.4 million jobs will be available in the computing related fields. This club is held at NSSH 9th grade campus.