What Is Transition?
Transition is a process of preparing students for adult life after they leave high school. Transition planning begins at age 14, or younger if deemed appropriate by the IEP team.
The transition process is designed to assist students with disabilities to achieve their postsecondary goals in the areas of education, employment and adult living. Through transition planning, annual goals and a coordinated set of activities focus on academic and functional skills to facilitate progress towards the identified postsecondary goals.
Texas Transition and Employment Guide - English
https://4.files.edl.io/9dc3/10/06/21/153556-251ee074-5864-460e-989b-6e85602bf981.pdfTexas Transition and Employment Guide - Spanish
Agency Connections
Transition in Texas
The purpose of the website is to provide viewers with knowledge of the secondary transition process to facilitate student progress toward attainment of their postsecondary goals.
211 Helpline
2 1 1 Texas, a program of Texas Health and Human Services Commission, is committed to helping Texas citizens connect with the services they need.
No matter where you live in Texas, you can dial 2 1 1 and find information about resources in your local community. Both the website and the phone are accessible in many languages.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits
The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources.
Texas Health and Human Services
Community Living Assistance and Support Services (CLASS) Provider Resources
People who are limited in one or more major life activities are said to have a disability. These people may be eligible for a range of state and federal services. Texas Health and Human Services are ready to meet the challenge of providing these services.
The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD
Assists parents/families of students with a diagnosis of mental illness and/or intellectual disabilities including Autism.
Transition Resources
Transition in Texas
The purpose of this website is to provide viewers with knowledge of the secondary transition process to facilitate student progress toward attainment of their postsecondary goals. On this site, you will find resources for students, parents, educators and agency resources.
Region 11 ESC Livebinder
Region 11 Education Service Center (ESC) provides statewide leadership for Texas Secondary Transition. The focus of the network is to promote communication and collaboration between stakeholders and a comprehensive, coordinated, transition service delivery system in Texas that leads to attainment of identified post-school goals for every student.
Disability Rights Texas
Disability Rights Texas believes in advancing the rights of Texans with disabilities. They also believe in protecting and advocating for the rights of Texans with disabilities because all people have diginity and worth.
The link below provides information on supported decision making:
The Arc of Texas
Founded in 1950 by a group of parents of children with intellectual and developmental disabilities, The Arc has been instrumental in the creation of virtually every program, service, right, and benefit that is now available to more than half a million Texans with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Today, The Arc continues to advocate for including people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in all aspects of society.
This link provides information on alternatives to guardianship.
Guardianship Alternatives
The Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities helps people with developmental disabilities achieve their potential for independence, productivity and integration into their communities by working to develop a comprehensive system of service and supports in Texas.
The TCDD provides information for families and adults in search of alternatives to guardianship.
Special Education Transition and Employment Services Designees
Rey Smith, Director of Special Education Curriculum and Instruction
(832) 386-1000Eric Kirchner, Program Director of Special Education
(832) 386-1000