  • Senate Bill 507 was enacted to ensure the safety of students with disabilities in school. The bill requires that school districts install video/audio cameras in special education classes where more than 50% of students in attendance are students with disabilities who attend the class for more than half their school day. A parent, Administrator, or staff member, may request that video and audio equipment be installed in a self-contained classroom or other special education setting. 

    To read the Commissioner's Rules Concerning Video Surveillance of Certain Special Education Settings, TAC §103.1301, click here.

    Before the district installs video and audio recording equipment in a self-contained classroom or other special education setting in accordance with Education Code 29.022, we are required to provide written notice to all staff at the school and to the parents of the students receiving special education services in the classroom. For more information, see Board policy EHBAF(LEGAL).

    The District will maintain the video footage from these recordings for at least three (3) months, as required by law.

    Request Form to add a Camera to a Special Education Classroom 

    Incident Report and Request to View